So right now it’s about 5 before 11:00 PM and I’m debating walking across the street to the grocery store. I needs some vittles, dammit. Of course, I could raid the fridge again, but what I’m really wanting right now is some vanilla soymilk, and I already finished the container I had. Blah. I’m also out of bologna and stuff.
Of course, I could also just have a beer and just pretend I don’t want anything else. Seems to work pretty well, usually.
OK, 10 minutes later it’s beer and hard-boiled eggs. I’m going to smell like a midwesterner! YES!!!
I’ve got two books left with me that I still need to read. Which means I’m running low. Which means I ignored the fact that I’m low on cash and have no job and ordered 5 new books from amazon.com. Well through amazon, anyway. I got them all used for dirt cheap – average investment of $4 per book. Life as an information addict means a lot of used books…and lots and lots of books piling up around your room.
More later….maybe. I really have no point at the moment, so it’s best that I stop.