
#FlashNaNo 2021, Day 1

She smelled like soap and her the sweet-smelling perfume he remembered, the aroma now seeming slightly juvenile for her age, but still fit her spirit.

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When he stood up, a rain shadow marked where he had been sitting on the

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Two pair of scissors I’ve recently restored
Daily Thoughts

Daily Thoughts for 2021-06-25 Friday

Many miscellaneous things today. At work now, and I’m writing this while my students do their homework. It’s strangely quiet in here for what is usually a pretty rowdy group of elementary school kids.

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I don’t really have an appropriate picture for this post, so here, play find-the-cat instead

Discarding Socks and Suits Alike

This morning, I put about ten pairs of socks in the trash. These were all still in OK shape, but filled a role for which I no longer have any use. Since changing jobs, I no longer have any need to dress in a business casual style, so a sizeable chunk of my wardrobe has sat untouched for months.

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