Insult to deathwish

This is all I’m writing today. You know how I’ve got this shitty new job that’s mind-blowingly repetitive, physically tiring, and underpaid? Well guess what, around lunch-time today, the sign that said “Mandatory overtime – 9 hours both shifts” was changed to “Mandatory overtime – 10 hours both shifts until further notice.” Meaning tomorrow (and every day after that for an undetermined period of time) my shift starts at 4:00 AM. I signed up for a 6:00-2:30 shift, for fuck’s sake. I almost quit today. Tomorrow I might put in my two day’s notice. Who knows. You know how I said it was a little obscene to know that your alarm clock would be set for 4:45 every day for who knows how long? Well guess what – it’s a hell of a lot knowing that it’s going to be set to 2:45.

And I’m pissed off again. I’m getting up at 2:45 AM to work a 10 hour shift at a job I hate every day for who knows how long for $7.50 an hour for what reason? I’m digging up last Sunday’s want ads and devouring them. There has GOT to be something better than this. I can find no reason that this should be the best job that I can find.

And on that note…


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