*grooves remotely*

Dance or Die tonight and I’m not there. And truly I am bummed.
The lovely [redacted] is in Australia, and I am not. And truly I am bummed.
This country is ruled by morons. And truly I am bummed.
I have a bottle of Point Special Lager next to me. And truly I am pleased

We have passed the aphelion and now find ourselves rocketing towards perihelion at speeds that would dizzy us into idiocy were we truly aware of them in any physical sense.

I got me another interview today in Chicago. Will set up the exact time once I actually get to Chicago. I’m getting psyched. Thinking positively, moving forward, so far things are going well. And if and when I run into a speedbump of sorts, I’m not going to let it slow me down. I’m finally working on my career, dammit, and ain’t nothin’ gonna stop me.

But Dance or Die is going down at the Union in Athens tonight and the fact that I’m missing it is a bit of a downer. Dance or Die functions both as its own awesome entity and as that necessary plug to fill the hole left by Danceable Solution. What comes after Dance or Die? I haven’t a clue, I tell you that much is for sure. I miss ’em both. Granted, I didn’t exactly dance, as I generally don’t dance, period, but I miss ’em all the same. Good music, good people, and it’s the fucking Union for the love of pants.

I got a couple emails from Ms [redacted] just now. Seems she’s already having a blast south of the equator at a point nearly opposite my current location the Earth were one to connect the dots directly.

This isn’t going anywhere. Maybe I’ll post again later tonight when I’ve found something to rant or rave about at length and can have some energy and direction to my mumblings.

Here ye, here ye! BLAH!

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