
The spectacular floof that is Tora
Daily Thoughts

Daily Thoughts 2021-04-26 Monday

Failure! This is one way to describe my weekend, at least from the perspective of getting anything useful done. I had an ambitious to-do list for Saturday and Sunday, and accomplished almost nothing. Hell, I didn’t even start most of the things.

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This past year it’s been all headphones and masks
Daily Thoughts

Daily Thoughts 2021-04-23 Friday

Skipped Thursday’s daily post because I just wasn’t feeling it. Writing Friday’s daily post in brief spurts during downtime in the teaching day, so I’ll try something new and do most of this post through bullet points.

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Check out this lemon balm
Daily Thoughts

Daily Thoughts 2021-04-21 Wednesday

I’ve been told that the best, most effective goals are formatted as SMART goals. That is, they are best when they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

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This cat!
Daily Thoughts

Daily Thoughts 2021-04-20 Tuesday

Today, simply this: when we feel stuck, like we don’t know what to do next or why or how, often it’s not that we’re actually stuck in any practical way. Instead, we’re often stuck emotionally.

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