So I think I’ve decided that going to Japan is really what I *want* to do, but that going to NYC is what would be the smartest thing for me to do right now. Unfortunately, this in no way simplifies the decision at hand. All it does is to more clearly divide me into more specific parts and pit the parts against one another in a more formal manner. We have progressed from a chaotic street brawl to college-level amateur boxing. Still not terribly refined – but at least it’s clear who is involved.
And once again I must think of how wonderful it would be if my mind could control two bodies independently of one another. I’d send one to Japan, the other to NYC, and somewhere in the middle my brain would reap the collective benefits of both ventures. Alas, such is currently not an option.
Today I watched a little thing on TV about the famous (and rightly so) design team, husband and wife, Charles and Ray Eames. If you’re not familiar with Charles and Ray, go seek out their stuff. Hugely influential in 20th century design, filmmaking, art, etc. But anyway, at one point in the thing, a former employee of the Eames’ made a comment that amounted to the following – “If you’re not having fun all day every day, you’ve got the wrong job.” I like that. A lot.
There seems to be this pervasive and perverse notion that no “real” job (whatever the hell that means) is truly enjoyable, and that only an elite few individuals are really allowed to have fun with their jobs. Nuts to that. If you’re passionate about what you do (and I think this is critical to success), I see no reason why you can’t love what you do through and through. In fact, if you can pull it off, I see that as reason to be all the more successful. Love the process, take joy in the product. Run with every excited thought until it runs out and then pick up with another.
There’s not enough passion in the world. You ever notice that? No, I’m not talking about the kind of passion you see at 3:00 AM on Cinemax. I’m talking about the kind of passion that makes a loving maniac out of a person doing something they can’t live without doing. Everybody should have something (or many things) to be passionate about. I consider it critical. Without passion, life is empty and plain. With passion, life is of limitless depth and orgasmically glorious in every possible respect.
What are you passionate about? Something come to mind? Good. No? Then get the fuck on the ball and find something to be passionate about. Seriously, go do it. NOW.