Photo by Josh, witnessed by Pete.
Yup, that’s me skidding. Not that you can really tell, but that’s my new chainring, too. But yeah, skidding on a fixed gear is so much fun. I already know I’m going to go through a shitload of tires skidding even though I have and use a front brake. It’s just too much fun not to do, even with the risk of stripping my rear hub threads (it’s a good hub, though, so this shouldn’t be a problem any time soon).
So yeah, for fixie skills I’ve got skidding and skipping down. Next up is track stands. Held one for about 8 seconds last night. Also managed to ride backwards for about six feet. My balance and feel for the bike are improving.
If I make it to Japan, I’m so going to thrash the city streets on that sweet little Betty of a bike. [That bike is too hot not to be a girl] I mean hell, I’ll already be a crazy foreigner, so why not be a crazy foreign biker dude with mad fixie skills as well? I dare you to tell me why not.