Made in Russia!

Check out my new camera! It totally and completely rocks. Set me back $30 (the strap and the filter came to another $35), is lots of fun, and seems pretty well made. Be sure to note the “CCCP” on the top plate (inset detail). Russian cameras rock. This particular camera is a Kiev 4 and is a Russian copy of the German-made Contax IIHere is a very informative page on the Kiev. I already feel like I want a second one…

Edit: Oh yeah, and it’s only a little louder than the Leica M3 that I once had and that I paid $1,200+ for. Not nearly as convenient and it doesn’t have the same polish, but I now feel I can provide proof that one need not spend several grand on a Leica to get a very quiet rangefinder with a sharp lens.

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