The job is done
Really sucked
Paycheck is tiny
Burn in hell, Mitek
Finished working at the factory today. I am never going back. I got my paycheck today for the 37 hours I worked last week, every day starting at 4:00 AM, doing dangerous manual labor for shit pay. I am filthy, sore, my hands are painful and stiff, my arms and hands are covered with cuts and scratches. And for what? For $200. Yes, that’s right, $200. If I worked full-time for a long period, I think that would work out to something like $14,000 a year. For the sake of comparison, when I get to some place like Chicago or New York and do freelance assisting work, I’ll gross at least $200 EVERY DAY I WORK.
WTF? How the hell is it that I graduate early with honors, am skilled and reliable and so on, and this is the best I could do in this town? Fucking Bush fucking up the fucking job market.
Boo. Boo hiss.
Oh well, all the more motivation to get out of here I suppose. And now I’m going to go shower and shave and forget I ever had this shitty fucking job.