Swallow this, biatch

So I have tonsillitis again. Massively swollen tonsils, grody puss, the works. Pretty much feel fine outside of that, though. If this shit doesn’t go down any by tomorrow night, I’m going to the doctor. Last thing I need right now is for some 24 hour bug to lead to tonsillitis that necessitates having my tonsils out. I can do without surgery at the moment.

So work is definitely looking up. I worked both yesterday and today, am working tomorrow, am booked for two days next week, and may be working Friday of this week as well. If this keeps up, things will get a lot better in short order. Like night and day sorts of difference. Can’t get lazy with promoting myself. In fact, this is when I need to be promoting myself more than any other time.

But then, there will be no promotion-making tonight. Tomorrow morning I have to meet the photographer at 5:00 AM. We’re doing shots of Soldier Field here in Chicago. If the weather is shitty, it’ll be a half day. If the weather is nice, we’ll shoot sunrise through sunset and work long enough that I may get a few hours of overtime in. Either way, I’m getting up at 3:45, so wish me luck and rest and good health and stuff because I’m going to bed now.

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