Night of the quasi-space

So tonight I went and picked up my friend Amanda from her friend’s house and took her back to her house. This was way on the South side of Chicago. I didn’t have to do this, but I wanted to. And on the way back, I experienced one of my favorite simple pleasures. That is, driving with my windows open on a warm night in the city listening to jazz. It just feels…right. As much as I complain about having a car here and all the pain in the ass shit that goes along with it, I must admit that there are certain moments when I just love driving. Fortunately, I think I’ll get plenty of pleasure from riding my bike here at night, too. More on that when i actually start doing it.

When I got home, though, the madness started. Well, a peeve popped up, anyway. Half parking spaces. Sometimes you see where somebody didn’t park close enough to the car in front or behind them and in doing so completely negated another parking spot by making it like a foot too small to get into. Well, tonight in the streets behind my building there must have been about 30 half-spaces. WHY MUST PEOPLE DO THIS?!?!?! I ask you. Fuckers need to learn to park, dammit…

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