Mail game

So let’s play a game. Everybody concentrate really hard and try to guess what didn’t come in the mail today….again.

Alright, what’s your guess?

Nope, not a cow. Or a new shirt. Wait, what was that?

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.

So, what didn’t come in the mail again today? ANY FUCKING CHECKS. I’m doing work, people aren’t paying me on time. Shitheads. One person at one particular Chicago magazine seems quite slow. If nothing comes in the mail tomorrow, the calls will start. And he will get a call every day at the same time until I start getting checks.

I have $140 in my bank account right now. In the next week and a half, I will have to pay rent ($425), make a payment on my credit card (min ~$50), etc. I have about $2,500 in the pipeline, but apparently nobody really feels like sending me anything.

Most days I work, I love it. It’s interesting, it’s fun, it’s never the same two days in a row. When it comes to the way the industry tends to run itself, though, I fucking hate it.

All the more reason to get the hell out of dodge as quickly as I can and do something else with my time.

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