Well, I really don’t have a lot to say right now, but I’m in a very political mood right now, so I thought I’d post a few links to sites I enjoy when it comes to trying to get ahold on the way things are in the world (not how the media portrays these things) and dealing with it.
Tompain.com My favorite political commentary site, chock full with well-backed liberal muckracking. Excellent, razor-edged stuff. Here’s an example of the kind of article you’ll regularly find on the site that I really enjoy. Stickin’ it to GWB and his nameless hordes of idiot lackies. Yeah.
www.disinformation.com is a veritable hub for unamerican activities and ideas on the web, and how glorious it is. Disinformation has also published two of the most valuable books any politically-minded person in the US could possibly read. Worth every penny.
And speaking of unamerican stuff, the Unamerican site is absolutely beautiful. The only source you’ll ever need for fun anti-whatever stickers, patches, pins, and t-shirts. Go against the grain and say “fuck you” to Uncle Sam in a visible, intelligent way, dammit. Also plenty of good ideas regarding capitalism, government, and any number of other juicy and delightful subjects.
Working For Change is a good, activism-friendly site with commentary and nice resources.
I know I’ve got a dozen or so more good ones buried in my links somewhere, but this is a good start. Definitely some of my favorites.
This nation was founded on dissent and the idea that you have every right to disagree. But these days, if you happen to disagree with the Feds or refute concepts like patriotism, that makes you a bad American, or unamerican, as it were. But then, if being a good American supposedly has something to do with never disagreeing, never questioning authority, etc, then I want no part of it. I am proud of who I am, I will not apologize for not agreeing with what I view as greviously misleading and corrrupt policies and the like. I believe in freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc. These are among many of the personal and group freedoms afforded us by our constitution. They are also among the rights and freedoms that are constantly being reduced and impinged upon with all manner of things cited as justification, and none of them rightly so. I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said something along the lines of “Those who would sacrifice freedom in the name of security deserve neither.”
Fuck the man. Go buy yourself a copy of the Anarchist Cookbook and a Farmer’s Almanac. Voice your opinions loudly (though with civility) in public. Do not let yourself be intimidated or strongarmed. I believe in the good that this nation can be. And it’s only through dissent and action that anything will ever change at all.