Fucking hell

No checks again today. No packages, either. Got a credit card statement, though, and I about shit myself. I really need to sell that Mamiya gear…

On the plus side, I found a new wheel for my bike yesterday. As in actually found it on the street. It’s a nice wheel, looks like it’s hardly been ridden. Quite a fortuitous event, really, as I wanted a new front wheel anyway and this now saves me a hundred bucks or so and reduces the number of things left to upgrade/change on my fixie to one – a new chainring. Dig it.

Last week I dropped a box on my finger while loading a truck. Now it’s all swollen and pus-filled and stuff. Eeeeeeeeeeeeew. It’s actually not that bad. I cleaned it up when I got home today, and the swelling has gone down, so I think it’s all good now.

It’s a good thing I never had any aspirations to be a hand model.

People need to start swinging through Chicago. It’s summer, it’s gorgeous here, you have no excuse.

Time to go surf SuicideGirls some more so I feel justified in having paid $9 for it.

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