Forgetful Jones had alzheimers

I realized that I have a bad habit of saying I’m going to make another post later in the night and then not actually doing that. I’m sure I’ve done it at least a dozen times since I got to Chicago. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

I was going to do laundry tonight. Unfortunately, the laundry key is with Steve, who is not currently at home. Curses. I’m almost out of clean socks again, too.

In other news, our fucking cable connection is complete and total shit. This isn’t really news, but today it did a very good job of proving it. While trying to get some web publishing done, I found that our connection was down more than it was up today. Repeated calls to RCN yielded nothing but more frustration. Congrats, guys, you just lost another customer.

And because the connection keeps going down, I am re-saving this entry more or less after every half-paragraph. And that, I tell you, is a pain in the ass.

Today was not without its perks, however. First and foremost, the sore throat and perilously swollen tonsils that have been bugging me since Friday are now subsiding. Tonsil removal averted yet again. Sweet.

My room also got vaguely cleaner today in that I picked up all the dirty clothes off the floor in preparation to do the laundry that I’m not doing. Also got rid of a stack of newspapers and junk mail that’s been piling up under the second “desk” I rigged up (which I never really use, generally because of all the shit stacked on and/or under it). At this rate, by September my room should be spotless.

I wish I could find my iron cross belt buckle. I haven’t worn it in ages. I’m assuming I left it back in Missouri. I’ll have to retrieve it next time I’m home.

I need something to drink…

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