You see that girl dancing? You know why she’s dancing, don’t you? It’s because I JUST FINISHED COLLEGE! That’s right, I just emailed my professor my last philosophy paper, and in doing so I completed the last academic thing my undergraduate work will ever require of me. I rock so hard.
OK, before I go any farther, you’ll probably want to scroll down a bit so you don’t keep having to stare at that damned animated GIF.
Anyhow, I’ve ben IMing people like mad, harassing the four or five people who are still awake telling them how awesome it is that I’m done with college now. I’m being a total pest. But then can you blame me? I think I’m quite justified in being a little silly at the moment. I’ve earned it, dammit!
And now I’m going to go work on packing up my car and writing a few more emails. I won’t have access to my computer for about the next ten days, and so I want to reply all the emails I currently have on my machine so people don’t think I’m ignoring them or something. I’ll still be able to check my email once in a while when I’m on the road, but I can’t be sure. In any event, I’moff to do other things and you should leave this page now lest you get drawn into staring at that $%*&# animated gif any longer than would be considered healthy.Posted by Munsey at November 22, 2003 04:34 AM
Hell yeah man! Congrats dude! Way to go, way to stick it to teh man like that. Let them know that you’re not just going to bend over and take it. Way to rebel, by ….doing exactly what you’re supposed to… Oh well, we all have our own ways of rebelling, I guess.