Roger sends his love

Blah. Early Sunday evening and I’m only very slowly getting anything done. Currently cruising around various directories of online photo sites. Mostly average, but a few have been bookmark-worthy. I’ll get to those yesterday.

I spent a loooooooong time on my bike yesterday. Met up with Josh, Pete, and Crusty at Broadway and School. From there we rode down to Chinatown where we got bubble tea and ate at a nice and reasonsably priced restaurant. From there we rode to Yojimbo’s Garage, where I finally got myself a new chainring. After this, we rode up back towards the north side. Crusty went his own way and me, Josh, and Pete went back up to Pete’s neighborhood. Sat outside in the nice evening weather for a while, I put on my new chainring, and Josh got some pics of me skidding. I’ll post one here once he sends it to me. After that had coffee in Pete’s apartment then headed over to a bar where we ate and drank and had a generally very enjoyable time. Eventually rode back to Pete’s. Josh was kind enough to give me a ride home and once I got there, I was in bed asleep within 45 min. Riding for 6 hours or so will generally tire you out.

I really dig my new chainring, though. I had a very worn 3/32″ 52t road chainring on my crank before, and bought and installed a 1/8″ 48t track ring to replace it. Just a little easier than the 52t to push, but it makes all the difference in the world. I definitely dig my new gear.

But yeah – here’s a few of the photo sites I’ve dug up that others might get a little something out of. While the whole goth motif is a little over the top at times (note, I’ve never really understood the whole goth mentality anyway, so don’t take my word for truth), there is some solid B&W photography to be found here. Some great compositions.

Unguided Tour Thoroughly solid color & B&W imagery. Of a style that I really, really like. This is the kind of thing I really like to see as the product of people just photographing the world around them.

Honestly, those are the only two sites that have really caught my eye enough to post them here right now. Maybe I’ve just lost enthusiasm after wading through dozens of poorly-designed sites filled with mediocre photography. Or depressed at seeing the prices that people are charging for ok prints of very average photographs. The art world is fucked up.

Time to go ride a bit.

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