
On Saturday afternoon, my father and I spent about two hours picking up trash on either side of a quarter-mile stretch of 163 where it goes through Rockbridge park. In that stretch of road, my father and I picked up about 200 pounds of cans, bottles, and all sorts of other refuse. Yes, really, 200 pounds. It was hard work, but very rewarding in that the stretch of road looks great now. Or at least it would look good, but less than 24 hours later, there was new litter. And not just one or two things – it’s all over the place.

And it makes me want to ask something I ask quite often – what the FUCK?!

I don’t get the mentality behind littering. The mentality of, “I don’t need this any more, I’ll just THROW IT OUT THE FUCKING CAR WINDOW.” Far and away the most common litter is beer cans and bottles. Not only does this indicate that people litter all the time, but it also means they’re drinking and driving all the fucking time, which is rather disturbing in its own special way.

How can people just litter so much and not think a damned thing of it? I don’t understand it. I simply cannot come to terms with it.

And as a short side-note, why the hell is it that every time (and I mean EVERY time) you do trash pick-up along a stretch of road, at some point or another you always find a porno mag. I’m completely serious – on Saturday about 3/4 through the pick-up, I found a waterlogged copy of Swank. It has happened every time I’ve ever done litter control.

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